Monday 10 September 2012


    In my last post I told you that I no longer plucked my story ideas from the sky. So where do I pluck them from?

    The answer is everywhere. Firstly: I use the major senses that I was gifted with; sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Then there's my own personal life experiences, that includes the people I meet, places I visit, books I read and news stories. The list could go on and on.

    Something, someone, or somewhere stimulates my little grey cells. A little button inside my head has been pushed. The seed has been sown, it takes root and it starts to grow. There are times my ideas flourish, my mind goes into overdrive. Then of course there are times the idea stagnates, but I never let it go, I just jot it down. It may take root, and blossom another time.

   Where do you get your ideas from?


Thursday 6 September 2012

How I Got Started

    The long bus journey back from visiting my grandmother always started with a game of I Spy. But before long my brother and I would become restless. The storybooks my mother had read to us on the journey there, had now been read cover to cover. The threat of tearful tantrums loomed.

    In an effort to keep us amused, she would point to the sky and draw our attention to the various clouds that are prevalent in Scotland. The large, angry looking ones, took on the role of fierce monsters, the villains of the peace. The soft, fluffy ones, became the victims and were much in need of rescue. They had to be saved, from the fiends that chased and threatened them.

     But then the wind changed direction, the shapes of the clouds altered; some vanished, some merged, and victims suddenly became pursuers. She developed stories befitting the characters she had available to her.

    So when Santa presented me with my first typewriter,  I couldn't wait to write stories that I could literally pluck from the sky.

    This is how I got started, how about you?

P.S. My head is no longer in the clouds.

Sunday 2 September 2012


 Welcome to my blog. Phew!! As you're able to read this post, I must have followed some of the instructions on how to create a blog correctly. The fact that I now have several Gmail addresses, is the bit I definitely got wrong.

 You're hoping that I didn't write this post, just to inform you that I'm not a whizz kid on a computer. Well I didn't; I want to share my writing experience with you. Including the signing of my publishing contract with Featherweight Press, for my debut YA Fantasy e-book, Salvation, No Kissing Required.

 Whether you're a reader of YA Fantasy, a published author, or an aspiring one, I'd love to hear from you. Readers, you're HUGELY important to authors and we need to know your likes and dislikes. Please leave a comment, or contact me. 
 Authors, come on, share your writing journey with me, and your future audience. Contact me and I can feature your work, or an interview with you. I just look forward to hearing from you all.

 My blog posts will be on a Mondays and a Fridays. Next post will be on Friday, 7th September 2012. Take care,and please, please contact me.