Monday, 30 January 2023

Time to Escape


     Today, is National Escapism Day, yeah we all need to escape sometimes from the reality of our daily lives. We all face different pressures, whether work, money, relationships or, health, and to help us cope we all need to have some me time, from time to time. Even if it's just for an hour, indulging ourselves can make a whole lot of difference to our well-being.

    The good thing is that self indulgence doesn't need to cost anything. If you have a garden or, park nearby to your home, sitting for a while watching the local wildlife can fill us with so much pleasure.

    Personally I love just to walk an hour or, so alone each day. I'm lucky enough to live by the sea and there is nothing I like better than to watch and listen to the waves as they hit  the shore.

    Where I live now is so different from when I was back in Scotland, but do you know what? Yes, the scenery the wildlife are very different, but how it makes me feel is exactly the same.

    Now, I know that mobility problems may make getting about difficult for many. But, reading about wildlife, far off places or, even just a good romance can help us escape for just that hour we need.

    Whatever, you choose today to do ENJOY!

Friday, 27 January 2023

The Wise Woman




    Today, January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day, a day which commemorates an era we as human beings should never forget. A time when one man believed he had the right to say who lived or, died in the world.

    The first book that brought the realities of this period to life for me was, The Diary of Anne Frank. I was absolutely fascinated or was it astonished by what she wrote. Her writing was not of a thirteen year old child, but of a wise woman.

    I know at her age I always wrote in notebooks at every opportunity, with the hope that some day I would be a published writer as she did. But, thankfully what I wrote about was purely fictional and I didn't have any real life experiences of atrocities in my life.  Whatever, age you are, if you haven't read the diary it's a must.

    One of her quotes reminds me of why I continued to put pen to paper and still continue to do so. 

    "If I haven't any talent for writing books or, newspaper articles, well then I can always write for myself."

Anne Frank  1929-1945





Sunday, 22 January 2023

The Goat and I

    I haven't written here for a while, but before the first month of this new year ends I thought it was time to post again. Today I am featuring the poem, The Goat and I by British-Canadian poet, Robert William Service. While his rhyme is centered around the endearing animal, the goat; his words  reflect upon the then conflict that was going on in his world at the time of him writing. His verse I believe also befits the world we now live in and that's why I'm sharing it with you.


Each sunny day upon my way

A goat I pass;

He has a beard of silver grey.

A bell of brass. 

And all the while I am in sight

He seems to muse,

And stares at me with all his might

And chews and chews.

Upon the hill so thyme sweet

With joy of spring. 

He hails me with a tiny bleat

Of welcoming,

Though half the globe is drenched with blood

 And cities flare,

Contentedly he chews the cud

And does not care.

Oh gentle friend, I know not what your age may be,

But of my years I'd give the lot

Yet left to me,

To chew a thistle and not to choke,

but bright of eye

Gaze at old world-weary bloke

Who hobbles by.

Alas! though bards make verse sublime,

And lines to quote,It takes a fool like me to rhyme

About a goat.

By Robert William Service, January 16 1874-September 11. 1958.

  This poem is in public domain.