Today, January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day, a day which commemorates an era we as human beings should never forget. A time when one man believed he had the right to say who lived or, died in the world.
The first book that brought the realities of this period to life for me was, The Diary of Anne Frank. I was absolutely fascinated or was it astonished by what she wrote. Her writing was not of a thirteen year old child, but of a wise woman.
I know at her age I always wrote in notebooks at every opportunity, with the hope that some day I would be a published writer as she did. But, thankfully what I wrote about was purely fictional and I didn't have any real life experiences of atrocities in my life. Whatever, age you are, if you haven't read the diary it's a must.
One of her quotes reminds me of why I continued to put pen to paper and still continue to do so.
"If I haven't any talent for writing books or, newspaper articles, well then I can always write for myself."
Anne Frank 1929-1945
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