Thursday 8 May 2014

Books behind Bars

    Authors, Miguel de Cervantes, John Bunyan, Marquis de Sade and Jeffrey Archer all have something in common other than being well known writers, they all penned stories whilst behind bars. 

    But a ruling by the Ministry of Justice in England will put an end to prisoners being gifted writing material, by their friends and relatives; therefore it is unlikely that many masterpieces will ever be created from within the prison cell again.

    Yes, the prisoner can use the money that can be earned through privileges to purchase such items, but as there is a ban on any kind of items being gifted to inmates, their limited funds will have to stretch along way. (Unless under special circumstances.)

    Prison of course is a punishment and rightly so, however this ban will also stop books being sent. It has been proven that education can help with rehabilitation and this restriction will mean that offenders will only be able to read a book that is stocked in their prison's underfunded library, or use their privilege money to buy through Amazon.

    Surely in the 21st century we recognise that books and other creative activities can be used constructively, the foundation for a better way of life. For this reason I hope Mr Grayling, the Justice Secretary, reviews this harsh rule.





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