Friday 18 January 2013


    Following a fun filled December, I initially found it quite hard to get back into my daily routine this month. There always seemed to be something that sneaked into my working time that distracted me.

    I found it too easy to click out of the current novel I'm working on and do something else. Nothing in particular, but something else. As I set a daily target of words, I was starting to feel I was chasing my tail on occasions and I was feeling slightly frustrated with myself.

    Normally, if I find my mind wandering off where it shouldn't, I go for a walk, read a book, or do meditation, all of these things I find clear my mind. But unfortunately none of these things seemed to be working either.

    So what was I to do? I needed to find something that was going to focus my mind back on the work in progress. I decided to read my own novel that's about to be published and that gave me the motivation I needed to get back to the hard work that goes into writing.

    How do you stay focused?

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