Mount Teide before the storm |
The last two weeks I've been having some chill out time in Tenerife, the Canary Islands, but as from today normal service will resume on this blog. That means if you're a new follower, posts will be updated Mondays and Fridays. If you're a regular reader, thanks for hanging around.
The weather on my trip was a pretty mixed bag, as was my Internet access. If it hadn't been for obliging friends I wouldn't have been able to publish my last post. Gracia amigos.
Mount Teide after the storm |
The storms I experienced on vacation decided to catch the five hour flight home with me and is battering most of the UK progressively today. With winds recorded in excess of 100 miles an hour in my area and 146 miles an hour in others, things were a little scary around here last night and this morning.
The rail network in Scotland completed grounded to a halt today, flights have been diverted, roads and bridges such as the Forth Road Bridge have been closed to traffic. Unfortunately lives have also been lost, so I need to count my blessings that I only had a few large puddles inside my home to mop up. The important thing is that my family and I are unharmed.
Catch up with me on Twitter @RowellChristina and make sure you drop by Monday.