Friday, 14 October 2016


As the sun disappears into the horizon of the west
Anticipating where to view it at its best
The reddish hue colors the sky
A fiery pleasure it is to the eye
Miss it today we need not fret
Tomorrow, another day will dawn
And once more at the end the sun will set

Monday, 10 October 2016

Embrace Yourself

    Over the weekend we the public have heard accusations of abuse and sexism against women being hurled between politicians. In my opinion, it all can become a little tiring and even prevent individuals from voting at all.

    Therefore, I did find it particularly pertinent  that one hundred and thirteen years ago, Emmeline Pankhurst founded the, Women's Social and Political Union, which campaigned for women's suffrage.

    Without women like Emmeline, the female population would be spending their lives barefoot, pregnant and chained to the kitchen sink. They would have no right to choose who they wish to run their country. 

    This of course wouldn't mean that women would solely lose out. Society as a whole would, as we can all be discriminated against. We need to remember that equality shouldn't be exclusive to one group as we are all gifted, talented, creative and resourceful in our own way.





Friday, 7 October 2016

Keep Smiling


    It's, World Smile Day, today and having felt a bit under the weather over the last couple of days, I was feeling more miserable than smiley. However, reminiscing about places I've visited, is something that does bring a smile to my face.

    Therefore, I decided to start something that I have been planning to do for weeks and that is to put all my photos onto my computer. Yesterday, I managed to scan five hundred which does seem like a lot, but it is a rather laborious job and I've probably got around another three thousand plus to scan.

    It will be worth it in the long run though, as you'll know if you visit my blog regularly that I do like to include some photos in my posts and I would rather use my own, than stock. I have included a couple today, that way you get a little taste of what may appear on this page in the future.

    I hope you find something to smile about today, no matter how little. It's good for the soul.

Monday, 3 October 2016



    On October 5th, over 100 countries will celebrate World Teachers Day. This year the theme of this annual event is "Valuing teachers, improving their status."

    Personally, I'm unable to comprehend why this profession is so undervalued and constantly criticized. Without teachers we wouldn't have world leaders, doctors, chemists, and lawyers, to name a few occupations that are an important part of our society.

    Without education it's also unlikely we would have cars, trains, aeroplanes, or even the fuel that is needed to power these means of transport.

    We know that in countries where education is not wide-spread, there is a culture of fear and inequality. Is this the world we would want to live in. I for one, no.

    So thank you teachers for your contribution.

You may also like to read  #Teachers #education






Friday, 30 September 2016

Never Giving Up On Your Dream

    Next week will be the first anniversary of the publication of my second book, Salvation Hyperlink To Lost Souls. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?

    I can honestly say I feel blessed in being able to do something that I love and enjoy each day. However, it hasn't always been plain sailing as any published author will know. For example, trying to promote myself went against the grain, as the nature of the beast is that writers are generally solitary souls.

    I'm not talking about promoting myself and my first book once published, but long before that. When as I did, try initially to get agents and publishers interested in my work. I quickly realised that I only had a small window of opportunity to impress and to do that I better make it good.

    Being rejected can feel personal and after ....ty-something rejection letter/emails I wanted to throw in the towel. But, why would I give up on the one thing that I really had fun doing? Of course, I didn't and like buses a few publication opportunities came along all at the one time.

    The publishing industry has changed over the last few years and self-publishing gives all authors the chance for their voices to be heard. Within the next few weeks I'll be publishing a book of small poems with KDP. It's the first time I've dipped my toes into the waters of self-publishing and I'm climbing a new part of my learning curve.

    That's one of the things that is fantastic about being a writer in today's world,with the push of a button your words can be read by all and there is no reason at all to think about giving up on your dream.








Monday, 26 September 2016

Farewell to Arnie

Looking towards The Swilken Bridge
     St Andrews in Scotland like the rest of the golfing world will  today be in mourning, after hearing of the death of Arnold Palmer yesterday.

    However, St Andrews and the British Open Championship have a lot to thank Palmer for. The golfing great visited the historic town in 1960 to take part in the centenary year of the championship and while he didn't win, he most certainly helped put the tournament on the map.

    St Andrews and its Old Course were of course already on the map. But the university there, recognised Arnold's sporting achievements and gave him an Honorary Doctorate in 2010.

    Three years later, on the university's 600th anniversary, they introduced their first ever golf scholarship. The golfer happily endorsed it and the, Arnold Palmer Scholarship, came to fruition. The university being one of only two in the world which can award students, with this prestigious titled program. This program allows both male and female students from all over the world to combine their talent for golf and academic studies. A great stepping stone for anyone.

    ARNOLD DANIEL PALMER September 10, 1929 - September 25, 2016

Friday, 23 September 2016

Freedom to Read


    Governments and individuals continually criticise countries who don't school their children. Lack of education we know breeds intolerance and bigotry amongst the population. So, why is it that amongst us there are people who want to and succeed in having books banned?

    Banned Books Week's annual celebration of the freedom to read, commences September 25 until October, and this year they are celebrating diversity. The authors of books being from diverse backgrounds because of their colour, sexual orientation, and even their disabilities are amongst those on the list.  More information can be found on

    Banning teenagers from reading books that contain offensive language, sex and violence most certainly does not prepare them from the world we live in. Yes, we may be hesitant for them to read material which we deem is inappropriate for their age-group, but banning literature is not the answer.

    Because, in my opinion  there will always be another kid in class that will happily tell their class-mates everything that we've been trying to shelter them from. In turn, this of course can lead to the teenager being totally misinformed.

    The word FREEDOM, is defined in Webster's integrated dictionary and thesaurus as, being free, esp independence, civil or political liberty, exemption from obligation and frankness.

    Frankness is the key word; we have to be able to be candid otherwise we are continuing to stoke the fire of hatred that is already burning in the world.