Friday 30 September 2016

Never Giving Up On Your Dream

    Next week will be the first anniversary of the publication of my second book, Salvation Hyperlink To Lost Souls. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?

    I can honestly say I feel blessed in being able to do something that I love and enjoy each day. However, it hasn't always been plain sailing as any published author will know. For example, trying to promote myself went against the grain, as the nature of the beast is that writers are generally solitary souls.

    I'm not talking about promoting myself and my first book once published, but long before that. When as I did, try initially to get agents and publishers interested in my work. I quickly realised that I only had a small window of opportunity to impress and to do that I better make it good.

    Being rejected can feel personal and after ....ty-something rejection letter/emails I wanted to throw in the towel. But, why would I give up on the one thing that I really had fun doing? Of course, I didn't and like buses a few publication opportunities came along all at the one time.

    The publishing industry has changed over the last few years and self-publishing gives all authors the chance for their voices to be heard. Within the next few weeks I'll be publishing a book of small poems with KDP. It's the first time I've dipped my toes into the waters of self-publishing and I'm climbing a new part of my learning curve.

    That's one of the things that is fantastic about being a writer in today's world,with the push of a button your words can be read by all and there is no reason at all to think about giving up on your dream.