Monday 2 June 2014

Emotional Gain


    Yesterday I went to lay some flowers on the grave of some dear relatives, their deaths spanning over a number of years back. Now, I'm not planning to get all morose on you, because that's not how the individuals I'm telling you about would want me to feel when I think of them. 

    Each and everyone of them impacted my life greatly and their influences throughout the times I was able to spend with them, played a huge part in making me the person I am today. And gloomy by nature, I'm not.   

    It was a muggy day, the thundery clouds were posing a constant threat as they hovered over the nearby hills. However, the time I spent at the graveside was rainless and it didn't start to fall until I was safely back into the car and on my way home. This I was truly thankful for, as rain always wants to gatecrash the celebration of life party that I would rather have for my departed loved ones.

    Of course being human, my emotions were naturally stirred and as I wasn't driving I decided I had time to examine the emotions that I had felt in the prior twenty minutes or, so. It was at this point I thought about how important this type of situation is to writers or, budding writers.

    Everyone tells you to write about what you know when you start out and although I haven't stuck to that rule of thumb rigidly, I do believe that we can only gain creatively by taking note of our feelings in times of sadness, anger, disappointment and joy. Whether it is how we feel when our pet dog dies, or when we realised our first love wasn't really love, all these experiences can all be used in our work, after all it is something we know.

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