Monday 11 February 2013

Can You Judge A Book By Its' Cover?

    When it's cold outside, there's nothing like sitting down to a warm meal. With the busy lives many of us lead, it isn't always convenient for us to stand over a hot stove all day preparing the evening meal for our families. Therefore many of us find ourselves reliant on the ready-made meals that fill the deep freezers in our supermarket.

   But, within the last two weeks in the UK we have been horrified to find out that many of our frozen beef products, definitely aren't what it states on the label. It all started when it was reported that several of our leading brands found horse DNA in the beefburgers they were selling.

    As they tried to get to the bottom of what was believed to be accidental beef contamination, the true extent of the unscrupulous practises within our food chain unravelled like the plot of a crime best seller.

    Firstly, it was found that meat pies supplied to our prisons and hospitals for consumption by Muslim prisoners and patients alike, contained pork. Then supermarket chains found that their ready made meals not only contained horse DNA, but the contents instead of being beef were actually horses meat.

    Whilst, some UK and many European residents have no objection to consuming horse meat, they do expect to eat the food of their choice and not be tricked into eating something that they don't want to.A full investigation is now underway and the source of the meat is said to be exported from Romania. One thing it does show is that you can't judge a book by its' cover, or believe what it states on the box, as it is in this case.

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